
Mixed Reality based Multi-Agent Robotics Framework for Artificial Swarm Intelligence Experiments

Submitted for "Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal" - Under Review

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Mixed Reality based Multi-Agent Robotics Framework for Artificial Swarm Intelligence Experiments

Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference (TASME) - Abstract Publication

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Automatic Segmentation of Lumbar Intervertebral Discs from the Axial View

Submitted for "Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (8th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference)"

Received the Best Paper Award in Big Data, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing.

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Dynamic Environment Setup using Swarm of Mobile Robots (Ongoing)

Introducing obstacle bots for a swarm robotic arena which is a part of a swarm robots platform project.

Self-Directed Learning Readiness and degree of stress among school and university students (Ongoing)

Identify aspects of learning patterns of students and to introduce an age appropriate education program to inculcate SDL (Self Directed Learning) amongst them.


Mixed Reality based Multi-Agent Robotics Framework for Artificial Swarm Intelligence Experiments

Dilshani Karunarathna, Nuwan Jaliyagoda, Isuru Nawinne, Roshan Ragel

Poster presented at: Peradeniya University Research Excellence Showcase 2022

Mixed Reality Environment for Swarm Robotics Simulations

Dilshani Karunarathna, Nuwan Jaliyagoda, Ganindu Jayalath

Best Research Presentation Award
at ESCaPe 2021 Online Project Symposium